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Navigating Gazumping, Gazundering, and Gazanging in Property Deals

By The reallymoving Team Updated 26th Jun, 2024

Reviewed by Emily Smith

Buyers and sellers seem to be finding more new ways to play the game and turn situations to their advantage. Unfortunately, when this happens, someone else in the chain can very easily lose out.

Navigating Gazumping, Gazundering, and Gazanging in Property Deals

To put a name to some of these sneaky strategies, property experts have coined the terms gazumping and gazundering.

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What is gazumping?

Gazumping is when a seller goes with a higher offer last minute, causing the original buyer to lose out. Gazundering is rather a turning of the tables.

Is gazumping legal?

It is a legal aspect of the property-buying process in England and Wales. The agreement to buy or sell does not become legally binding until the exchange of contracts.

Although not illegal in Scotland, it is far less common due to the different process when buying in Scotland. Legally binding contracts (missives) are exchanged earlier on in the process than in England and Wales.

What is gazundering?

Gazundering refers to a buyer reducing their offer in the final stages of the transaction just before the exchange of contracts.

This leaves the seller with a tricky decision to make; accept the last-minute lower offer or put the property back on the market and start the whole process from scratch.

Why do people gazunder?

The reasons buyers do this will vary from person to person – some people will genuinely have a valid reason to lower their offer, whereas others simply have a change of heart, or their nerves get the better of them. 

Whatever the reason, the outcome seldom differs, and occasionally people are prepared to pull some rather ruthless moves to try to get a better deal.

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Is gazundering legal?

If you're buying property in England, Wales, or Northern Ireland, then yes, it's legal.

Just like gazumping, there is nothing in the property process that prevents this from happening.

As no official contract has been entered into right up to the date of exchange, there is nothing to stop either side from taking advantage of the situation. The longer the lead up to exchange goes on, the more at risk you are.
Is gazundering legal in Scotland?

When buying property in Scotland - from the moment of making an offer and having it accepted, a legal contract is entered into.

Usually in Scotland the understanding is that by backing out you forfeit your deposit (or if the seller backs out, they are obligated to pay that amount to the buyer).

The only reasonable way to break a contract is if issues with the property become clear. But as the Scottish system uses Home Reports, which are done in advance of a property going on the market, this is less likely to happen.

How can I prevent gazundering?

If you are selling your home, it is impossible to prevent this from happening, but you can at least reduce the likelihood by following these suggestions:

Choose your buyer carefully

If you are lucky enough to have more than one offer on your property, remember that a higher offer isn’t guaranteed to be better in the long run.

Do a bit of research on your buyer and choose carefully. There are some things that might indicate your buyer is more likely to see the offer through, such as:
  • They are not part of a chain - if your buyer is not trying to sell their old property at the same time, they are less likely to suddenly need to drop out of the sale or reduce the offer because your transaction does not depend on theirs running smoothly.
  • They have a mortgage in principle - this shows that they are likely to be able to get a mortgage to cover the amount they're offering for the property.

Keep things moving

If you can complete the transaction as quickly as possible, there is less chance of things becoming stale and falling through. Try to aim for a timescale between 6 and 8 weeks to complete.

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Keep communication open

If you can cultivate a good rapport with your buyer, it may help to deter them from letting you down when it matters most.

Stay in contact with your estate agent to give them regular updates to reassure the buyers that things are moving steadily on and make sure that they are notified of any new developments.

It’s best to be upfront

Any sensible buyer will arrange to have a property survey carried out before going ahead with a transaction.

Therefore, if you know that a surveyor will find an issue with your property, it’s probably best to be upfront about it rather than risk the sale falling through if the buyer suddenly wants to renegotiate on the sale price.

Sometimes renegotiation can save the day, if you can stick with the buyer, you have you will avoid having to restart the process of marketing your home and so forth.

If you are a buyer, negotiating a better deal is one thing, but demanding too large a reduction in price could lead to feelings of resentment in your seller. This will not help matters if a ‘gazumper’ comes along, or if the transaction does go through, they may decide to remove everything they legally can from the property, including the light bulbs.

Have a ‘plan B’ ready

Remember that no property transaction can truly be guaranteed until you exchange contracts. Because of this, you might be well advised to keep your house on the market even though you think you have a definite buyer. That way, you won’t have to go right back to square one if things don’t turn out as planned.

However, if the buyer asks you to remove the house from the market, then it could be worth doing it. If you don't look like you want to commit, why would your buyer want to?

Ask for a contract

It's rare for a pre-exchange contract to be put into practice, but it is possible. This is called a 'lock out agreement' and it confirms the price agreed for the property, and that the property will be taken off the market.
The buyer would put down a deposit (perhaps not as large as their overall deposit, but usually somewhere between £2500-£5000) and if they break their agreement for something other than an issue revealed by the survey, they forfeit their deposit.

If the seller pulls out, they have to pay the deposit amount to the buyer. 

These contracts can take time, and are not always appropriate, but they can add a significant degree of security if you are concerned about your sale going through.

You can read more helpful suggestions for buying or selling your home in our moving advice section.

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What is gazanging?

Gazanging is when the seller of a property pulls out of a property sale and decides not to move after all after they’ve accepted an offer.

There are a few reasons someone might decide not to move:
  • Their financial situation changes
  • They change their mind and want to keep the property
  • They can not find a new property so decide to stay put

Gazumping, gazundering, and gazanging FAQs

Can you be gazumped after an offer is accepted?

In England and Wales gazumping can happen after an offer is accepted. This is less likely in Scotland due to the exchange of missives at the point when an offer is accepted.

How should I respond to gazundering

There are several options you can choose when responding to being gazundered.
  • You can choose to accept the reduced offer
  • You can pull out of the transaction and restart the process
  • You could negotiate the price with the buyer

How common is gazundering?

Research form House Buyer Bureau found that over a quarter of sellers experienced gazundering in their last property transaction

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