We know some companies don’t want to share their price lists on comparison sites for fear of being undercut. But being transparent in your pricing actually benefits your business as well as the customer. Here’s how it works.
If there’s no pricing, it’s not a comparison site
As a consumer, we’ve all used comparison sites. For flights, for insurance, for changing our Wi-Fi deal. We’re used to them, we understand how to compare based on the things that matter to us.
If you’re not being given prices, what are you comparing? Location? Sure. Reviews? Maybe. But choosing the closest and the most highly reviewed doesn’t mean anything if you don’t know if you can afford it!
Our concept of value changes based on various factors that matter to us. I can’t tell what I prefer until I have all the information. And I can’t tell what matters most unless I’m comparing like for like.
Consumers prefer information
If you’ve got no prices, it’s not a comparison site. So why would customers use it? What value are they getting? They may as well have flipped through the Yellow Pages and closed their eyes, picking out a company name at random.
Today’s consumer is internet savvy – they expect prices to be available for them online. Just like finding the menu at a restaurant, or the list of prices at a mechanics.
Comparison sites that don’t provide pricing information to the consumer aren’t providing a good service. They’re getting details from the customer for you, but not giving them anything tangible to make choices with in return. And it means you have to work twice as hard to convince the lead when you contact them!
Comparison sites that offer transparent pricing are always going to be more trusted by the consumer. And that means more site traffic, more customers, and a warmer lead for your business.
People hate ringing round
We live in a world where you no longer have to ring around five different companies, noting down their prices, then going to look them up, trying to see what they’re offering and who is better. People don’t want to do that anymore. They want their time back. Having to call you to get your prices is already taking up their time and potentially making them defensive.
Put your expertise on display
By displaying your prices proudly, you have more opportunity to focus on what matters – showing why you’re worth the money. No matter whether your prices are competitive or high end, they’re the right price for certain customers, you just have to show them why.
That might be reviews, years of experience & awards or a dedication to amazing customer service. It might be that you have a great business origin story – you’ve built a business up from nothing. You might have helped thousands of happy customers this year. You might have a great reputation, or you train industry newbies. Whatever it is, show it off. That’s where your price is given context.
And that’s why we ensure you’ve got an optimised directory page on reallymoving, to tell your story and show your expertise. (We’ve also got the
option for you to add video, so if you’d like to get ahead of the competition and show how warm, friendly and experienced you are - and save customers reading time - then get in touch with your account manager to submit a video to your directory page.)
People don’t choose the cheapest option
Market research has shown time and time again that people don’t choose the cheapest option, even when they’re making money conscious decisions. It would be easy to think that everyone suddenly chooses the cheapest deal, but context matters.
If you’re buying a home, you want an expert to help with the biggest purchase of your life. Yes, you’re money conscious, but you want quality and expertise and to trust the person you hire. If you’re moving beloved and valuable items to your new home, you want a team who are professionals.
People pay more when they like the business, when they feel confident they can trust them, and when they feel like they’re getting value for money.
Research from Vanderbilt University published in the
Journal of Consumer Research suggests low prices can backfire because they can associate them with poorer service. Which, when you’re a part of one of the most expensive purchases in someone’s life, is probably not the ideal way to get customers.
So, what’s the outcome?
Don’t worry about pricing transparency on websites – because it’s not the most important thing about your business. Placing your business on a comparison website that shows pricing is more likely to see more traffic, and see more trust from the customers.
The best thing you can do when using a comparison site for leads is to focus on showing your value – your experience, your personality, your qualifications and what makes you brilliant at what you do - whether that’s reviews and testimonials, introductory videos, lists of awards or a clear story. Showing who you are and why you’re the best choice for the customer matters much more than your pricing.
If you’d like help making your directory page stand out,
speak to your account manager who can book you in with our content specialists for a free directory refresh.
We’re here to help you find the people who need your business – let’s make 2023 a brilliant year.